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Views of Colca Canyon and Andean Condors

Written by:
Claire Dean

Published: 11-10-2022

Andean condors in Peru live in places with windy conditions where they can easily glide on air currents in search of their next meal. Despite what their name suggests, these majestic birds not only inhabit high elevations in the Andes Mountains, but one of the best places to spot these magnificent birds is in The Colca Canyon near Arequipa. On this tour, not only will we see the stunning Colca Valley, with its patchwork scenery and ample terraces, we can see this magnificent bird in all its glory as it soars over the valley and its impressive canyon.


The Andean condor is an enormous bird. They are actually one of the biggest flying birds in the world. The Andean condor's appearance depends on the sex of the bird. Males are big black birds with a white collar, while female Andean condors are smaller, generally Brown in color, and don't have the vicar´s collar! The best place to see the Andean Condor is on a Colca Canyon tour from Arequipa.

Andean Condor



We will set off on a Colca Canyon tour from Arequipa, a beautiful colonial city. Arequipa is famous for buildings and churches constructed from the white volcanic ash from Arequipa’s volcanos, called "sillar". The city’s historic plaza is a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage site.


Sillar is the whitish-pink volcanic rock that is mostly seen in the Arequipa region. Dating back to Colonial days, the rock was used to build stately homes, churches, and public buildings.  A Good example are the churches in the main square in Arequipa’s center. You can see them on an Arequipa City tour.

Sillar buildings in Arequipa


On the 3-hour drive from Arequipa to Colca Canyon, you will pass through highland landscapes and the Aguada Blanca National Vicuña Reserve. Herds of the elegant vicuña roam by the side of the road. Keep your eyes peeled for viscachas, native rodents that look much like chinchillas, at the Patapampa Pass and viewpoint.


On the way to Chivay on your Arequipa to Colca Canyon journey, you will pass through a reserve of wild vicunas, alpacas, and llamas.  it looks like an image straight out of National Geographic! Vicunas are nationally protected animals. This is mainly because the wool is so valuable that the animals have become very sought after. See vicuñas on your Arequipa tours!

Vicuña in Aguada Blanca National Park


The Colca Valley


The Colca Valley is fertile with extensive pre-Columbian terraces and unspoiled, traditional Andean villages. Chivay is the main town in the Colca Valley and the linking point between the two sides of Colca Canyon. The city offers a lively market, shops selling high-quality handicrafts, and a short walk from the hot springs of La Calera. From Chivay, most tours head west through other small Andean villages to arrive at the Mirador Cruz del Condor, one of the best places to spot the Andean condor.


 On a Colca Canyon tour from Arequipa, you can visit traditional villages such as Yanque and Chivay. Here, you can witness ancient Colca traditions and admire the intricate craftsmanship of the local people. They wear traditional dress and even perform a traditional dance if you are lucky!

Colca Traditional Dress


However, those expecting complete isolation in the canyon's depths will be surprised that small rural communities have endured and persevered here for centuries, and continue to live out a canyon will be astonished that small rural communities have endured and persevered here for centuries and continue to live out a very traditional lifestyle between the arid quarry-like ridges and the surprisingly lush plots which lie by the Colca River.


Picturesque Andean villages and ancient churches can be found in the Colca Valley. Chivay is the main town in Colca, The Plaza deamras has a church that is colorful and with images of saints and virgins. Other towns to be explored in the Valley are Coporaque, Yanque, and Maca. Visit on your Arequipa tours!

Colca Valley


Mirador Cruz Del Condor

Descending to a slightly more profound part of the canyon, around a 1-hour drive from Chivay, we will reach the Cruz del Condor lookout point. This impressive viewing platform is ideal for amateur and professional birdwatching and the best spot in Colca Canyon to regularly observe the magnificent Andean condor. Unfortunately, the condor population is dwindling due to the loss of habitat in parts of South America.


One of the best places to spot condors in Peru is the Colca Canyon. The sun heats the bottom of this deep canyon, and the hot thermals rise. This allows the condors to fly. If your dream is to see an Andean condor on your Peru tour package, then Colca Canyon is a must-visit!

Andean Condor


However, in the Colca Canyon, visitors have the advantage of being able to see the birds at close range as they fly past the cliff edges. These enormous condors have a wingspan of over 3m, making them one of the largest flying birds in the world. The Andean condors soar the thermals of the Colca Canyon, and this is one of the best places to see the birds in their natural habitat. May through December is the region's peak dry season for spotting condors. The sight of condors soaring gracefully through the Colca canyon is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. 


The best place to witness the flight of the Condor is from the ´Cruz del Condor´ viewpoint. This is where visitors can spot the soaring flight of this majestic bird, which is unfortunately in danger of extinction. Make sure you visit on your Peru vacation packages.

Condor Over Colca Canyon


Contact our Travel Designers to plan an epic, custom trip to Colca Canyon, Peru, and Colca Canyon, Peru, and any other destinations in Latin America to spot condors and other rare wildlife in South America.