Claire Dean
Claire Dean

Claire Dean

Travel in South America is a joy to behold. The rich variety of destinations, experiences, landscapes and geography fascinated me so much, that I chose to relocate here, over 20 years ago! The best thing I ever did! Allow me to share my knowledge and passion for Central and South America with you and help you plan your holiday of a lifetime!

Office Spotlight - Jose Antonio Calderon Hurtado

Office Spotlight - Jose Antonio Calderon Hurtado


Written by:Claire Dean

Published: 2022-08-12

Your Name


Jose Antonio Calderon Hurtado 


Jose works in the area of Product development. He is the person in charge of making sure that the information we provide to our clients directly corresponds to the services and prices we offer. It is important to visit regions in which we do not directly operate ourselves to make sure our suppliers provide the services they offer and that they are of high quality for our Peru vacation packages.


Your position in Valencia Travel


I work in the area of Reservations and Product Development


How Long have you worked for Valencia Travel? 

I have worked for 5 years in Valencia Travel, in a number of  different areas. It fascinates me getting to know a little more about this incredible industry. of tourism in Peru.



Jose says he loves the fact that he personally has to travel to all of the different regions of Peru, where we operate. It is his opportunity to get off the beaten path and explore each of the treks we offer to our clients. In this way, he knows exactly what we need to include on our remote trekking packages such as the Ausagate Trek and Lares Trek to Machu Picchu, for example.


What do you love about working in the Travel industry?

I love to travel, I love meeting new people, I love our traditions and customs here in Peru and the most important thing is that I respect our mother earth and the protection of the abundant life she produces.


What is your favourite place to visit in Peru?

I love cruise trips and enjoy the flora and fauna of our Peruvian jungle, I also like camping in  the mountains and the ability to reconnect with nature.



One of the places I visit most frequently is Machu Picchu! This makes me one of the luckiest people in the world! Machu Pichu vacation packages are one of our best sellers and we need to make sure that this destination meets and surpasses our client's expectations.!


Where would you like to travel given the opportunity?

I would like to travel to other countries such as China, India, and the United States, among other countries, to learn about new cultures that are different from our own in Peru.


What is your favourite Peruvian Dish / Drink?

My favourite dish is grilled chicken, and the best drink to accompany this dish is chicha morada, made from purple Peruvian corn.



One of Jose´s passions it to visit the remote communities of Peru. Being office-based it is a joy to visit these remote regions and connect with their history, culture, customs, and traditions. It is important to view this experience through the eyes of a visitor, as we need to produce the best vacation packages to Peru Machu Picchu, and beyond!



What is your most memorable moment working for Valencia Travel?

The moments I remember most about working in Valencia Travel, are the support trips to the communities, where we learned so much about the traditional way of life. Also being able to interract with these incredibe people and learning about their customs, belief systems and humble way of life.


Where do you see yourself in one years’ time?

I still don't know, but what I do know is that I will be a better professional, with more experience in the area of tourism and travel in Peru.


Travel in Peru is an experience where one is constantly learning new things. When you visit Peru, you with learn about the different regions, traditions, gastronomy, culture, and activities available in the country.


What is the best travel tip you can give to visitors to Peru?

That visitors to Peru come to enjoy our beloved country and experience first-hand the local regions, to experience a different way of life than back home.


Another surprising aspect of working in the tourism industry is that you are constantly discovering new places to visit on your own doorstep! Around every corner of Peru are historical, architectural, and natural places to explore on your Peru holiday packages.