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Traveling Peru Alone

Written by:
Claire Dean

Published: 13-02-2023

Boasting some of the best hiking on the continent, access to the Amazon Rainforest, sandy beaches, & bustling cities; Peru has a little something for everyone. It’s no wonder that solo travel to Peru is one of South America’s most iconic experiences. Traveling to Peru on your own is also a lot more common than people think!! Here is some important information about traveling Peru on your own.


Traveling to Peru alone does not mean that you have to be lonely! Many people decide to join group tours on their own for practical reasons. Maybe their travel dates didn't fit in with their friends, or their family didn't want to hike the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu. Some people may want to travel alone for "alone time". Whatever the reason, The Machu Picchu and Inca Trail tour certainly isn´t lonely!

Inca Trail

What to Expect as a Solo Traveler in Peru


Like its other Latin American neighbors, Peruvian culture is friendly and warm. This makes life for a solo traveler exceptionally easy. Add in the abundance of hostels and well-trodden ‘gringo’ trail and you’ll find it impossible to not make friends while traveling in Peru. With plenty of tourist infrastructure in place, hopping from city to city is an easy task. Unless of course, you want to visit some of the more rural areas in Peru. This could add some painful 12+ hour bus rides across the vast country. But if you’re seeking serene mountain villages you won’t be disappointed. Day-to-day you’ll find yourself exploring high-altitude cities, immersing yourself in the ancient Incan culture, and learning about the rich indigenous histories of the region. Throw in a trip to the Amazon and some trekking through the dramatic landscapes of the Sacred Valley and Peru will undoubtedly be a trip to remember.


The area around Cusco is the complete bikers’ paradise. There are some incredible cross-country tracks that take you through spectacular scenery and down past some of the key sites in Cusco and the Sacred Valley. There is gentle biking through the Sacred Valley or adrenalin-pumping action from great downhills! You can get completely off the beaten track along dirt roads, single tracks, llama tracks, or even old Inca trails on your Peru adventure packages.

Mountain Biking in The Sacred Valley

Traveling Tips


Let’s talk safety, most solo travelers’ biggest concern when traveling abroad. These are a few things you can do to quell those fears in Peru.

Get a sim card. Navigating unfamiliar cities becomes a lot easier with access to GPS. If you’re worried about safety this is a good asset to have. 
Avoid going out alone at night. Or heavy drinking. 
Trust your gut. If it feels like a sketchy situation, remove yourself. 
Keep valuables hidden. The most commonly reported crime is pick-pocketing. Don’t carry a lot of cash on you. 
Brush up on your Spanish or carry a phrasebook. English isn’t widely spoken in Peru. You can also download Google Translate to make interactions with locals go smoother.


Peru is probably better known for its Inca archaeological sites and world-class cuisine, however, white water rafting here is some of the best in the world- particularly around Cusco. All the rain that falls on the high mountains of the Andes has to go somewhere!  Most rafting on Cusco day trips are between Class III and IV.

Rafting in Peru


Making Friends

Many travelers choose the solo route out of a deep-seated desire to take on the world alone. Many solo travelers relish the opportunity to develop their confidence and to spend some time alone with themselves. It can be a profoundly rewarding and introspective experience. But some travelers choose the solo travel life out of necessity. In the case of the latter, you may want to make some friends along the route. Let’s take a look at the easiest ways to make friends as a solo traveler in Peru.

Stay at a Hostel. Hostels are backpacker hubs filled with travelers (often solo) looking to make connections. 
Sign up for a tour. From cooking classes in Lima to group treks in Cusco, there are plenty of opportunities to make friends with other solo travelers who share your interests. 
Join a trekking group. Hiking is an activity best done in groups. Multi-day treks through the Andes have a way of bonding travelers more than just an evening spent in the hotel.


The first day of the Inca Trail trail to Machu Picchu is fairly gentle, but don't let that fool you! Listen carefully when you're told about what to expect on the Trail.  Day two is considered the most difficult on the Machu Picchu Inca Trail tour as you climb Dead Woman´s Pass. This pass is situated at a height of 4,200 meters, making it the highest point of the Inca Trail.

Inca Trail Campsite


Don’t travel with a lot of money

Taking out large sums of money might seem like a good idea because you’ll avoid international fees, but really it’s not. Unless you stash it away in a safe at a hotel, avoid taking out those large sums of money, and definitely don’t go out with too much money. Having all that cash on you at one time is just setting yourself up for disaster. It’s much better to have 50 soles pickpocketed than 400 soles.


Museums and Plazas


Museums and plazas are magnets for people traveling throughout an area. Everyone wants to know the history of a place and a museum is where they’ll find it. Not only can you meet people at a museum, but it is also a good way to occupy some time. Another great way to meet people is to go to a plaza. Peru has plenty of plazas in every city, and each plaza attracts everyone: from vendors and families to travelers and street performers. The plazas are the heart of every city and offer a perfect place to meet people and mingle with the locals.


Peru is no different than other larger cities around the world. On the streets of downtown Lima or the square in Cusco, petty theft and crime do occur. But keeping an eye on your surroundings and belongings should keep you safe in general. Crime is opportunistic so don´t give anyone the opportunity on your Lima Peru tours.

Lima Plaza de Armas


Keep an eye on your Belongings

This may go without saying, but you have to be very vigilant with your belongings at all times. Especially when you’re traveling alone with a big backpack on, you’ll be a glaring target for theft. The best way to prevent your things from getting stolen is to be careful of where you put them and watchful of your surroundings. Large, busy bus stations with all their commotion are usually the best times for thieves to do their thing, especially when it gets crowded and everyone is bumping into each other. Don’t keep all your money and valuables in one place and always know where you’re storing them. Keep an eye on where you keep your money and constantly recheck to make sure your money and phone and computer are still there.


Fewer items mean less chance of losing things when you visit Peru. It less stressful to keep track of all your belongings. Carrying heavy bags can cause physical strain and tiredness. Traveling lightly reduces back pain so that you can concentrate on your Peru tour packages.

Travel Lightly


Ask us if you need any information about traveling alone in Peru!