Claire Dean
Claire Dean

Claire Dean

Travel in South America is a joy to behold. The rich variety of destinations, experiences, landscapes and geography fascinated me so much, that I chose to relocate here, over 20 years ago! The best thing I ever did! Allow me to share my knowledge and passion for Central and South America with you and help you plan your holiday of a lifetime!

The Best of Peru

The Best of Peru


Written by:Claire Dean

Published: 2022-09-16

Peru is a mind-blowing country to visit. With unparalleled geography, unique history, fascinating culture and archaeological sites that will leave you in awe, not to mention its world-famous cuisine! A trip to Peru is on the bucket list for many people, and you can visit and see its signature sights in a short time. Here is why our Best of Peru Tour is genuinely remarkable.


You will be surprised at how quickly you can see the Best of Peru! In just 9 days you can visit most of the main highlights that Peru has to offer on your Peru vacation packages.Sacksaywaman is just one of them!



For travelers who give it time, Lima offers you a chance to experience a vibrant, dynamic city that is full of history, culture, museums, boutiques, and amazing Pacific sunsets. The cherry on top, Lima is one of the world's food capitals, with mouth-watering cuisine that will tantalize your taste buds. Experience the electrifying mix of old and new; meet Peruvians from every corner of the country and with ancestry from all over the world; and work your way through a long list of must-eats, including ceviche, Lomo saltado, causa rellena and more. In Lima, you can choose to relax in the cosmopolitan atmosphere of the capital city or pack your itinerary full of visits to historic plazas and churches, 1,000-year-old adobe ruins, world-class restaurants, buzzing nightlife spots, ocean-view parks, and renowned museums and galleries. The capital city is a melting pot with a long migration history from other parts of the world. Add to that recent internal migration from the Andes, Amazon and coastal regions, resulting in a fantastic mix of vibrant backgrounds and cultures.


First is an an introduction to peru. On your Lima Peru tours, explore the historical center and see the Goverment Palace as well as other colonial buildings

Downtown Lima



Cusco is the impressive former Inca capital perched high in the Andes in south-eastern Peru. It is home to around 350 thousand people, and the Incas aptly call the city the “navel of the world” Today, Cusco is built of ancient Inca temples and monuments, colonial architecture and modern buildings. Cusco is a focal point for tourism and is now Peru’s most important tourist destination. It was also declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1983 in recognition of streets like Calle Hatun Rumiyuq, where the Stone of Twelve Angles can be seen, and Barrio de San Blas, a picturesque artisan neighborhood.  Explore the nearby Inca destinations, such as Sachsaywaman, Tambomachay and Qenqo, before you head to Machu Picchu, but also recognize that Cusco, nestled amongst dramatic Andean panoramas, is a vibrant, exciting attraction in its own right.


Cusco is a highlight for many people on their Peru tour packages. The ancient Inca capital is not only stunning but has a magical energy that is impossible to describe. Experience it yourself on your Cusco tours.

Plaza De Armas, Cusco


Machu Picchu


Of all its landmarks, Peru's Machu Picchu, which means “Old Peak” or “Old Mountain” in the Quechua native language, is categorized as one of the most famous yet most mysterious of all the ancient Inca sites. Machu Picchu, the jewel of Peru's crown, is the 7th wonder of the world and has been in the limelight since Hiram Bingham discovered it in 1911. It stands at 2,400 meters above sea level. Its unique stone construction is spread along a narrow and uneven mountain vista, tucked up against a 400m sheer cliff; overlooking the Urubamba Valley and River. The whole city was hidden from marauding conquistadores for centuries (and thus preserved), and its high remote location makes it feel like it is floating on a sheet of mist. Marvel at the masterful engineering the ancient Incan builders achieved way back in the 14th century. Once you start understanding the significance of the structures around you from a spiritual and energetic point of view, you will be mind-blown! 


Machu Picchu is not only the highlight on a Best of Peru tour, it is a true wonder of the world! On your Machu Picchu tour Packages explore the ancient Inca citadel and Marvel at the surrounding scenery as well as the architectural prowess of The Incas of Peru.

Machu Picchu


Lake Titicaca


Lake Titicaca straddles the border between Bolivia and Peru, with impressive sights on both shores. Puno is the folkloric capital of Peru, while the Bolivian side has access to Isla del Sol, Isla de la Luna, and tourist hotspot Copacabana. Lake Titicaca is the origin of the Inca civilization, where the creator god, Viracocha, made the moon, sun and stars from the islands in the center of this large lake. It is also believed to be the birthplace of the first Inca king, Manco Capac, the sun god's son. We will visit the remote Titicaca island of Luquina, where we will have the unique opportunity to experience the lives of Andean people whose way of life has not yet been drastically affected by tourism to the region, such as has been the case in the nearby islands of Uros and Taquile. After visiting Uros en route to Luquina, a stark difference can undoubtedly be noticed as Luquina is far less touristy than Uros and Taquile. All of the economic benefits from guests in Luquina go directly towards alleviating poverty in the region, and  Luquina goes directly towards alleviating poverty in the region area, supporting the community financially, helping people to raise their standard of living and making necessities affordable. The locals have made a great effort to receive travelers responsibly, which benefits their community. We are keen to promote visits as part of our responsible travel initiatives.

Peru´s impressive natural sites continue with a visit to the highest navigable lake in the world Lake Titicaca. The gigantic sea-like expanse of water is as stunning as it is enormous and is home to fixed and floating islands. On your Puno to Lake Titicaca tours experience the magical lake for yourself!



So, if you are interested in our Best of Peru Tour, contact us at Valencia Travel and book your lifetime trip!