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Office Spotlight- Derwis Guillén Hernández

Written by:
Claire Dean

Published: 19-09-2022

Your Name

Derwis Abraham Guillén Hernández


Your position in Valencia Travel

Travel Consultant



How Long have you worked for Valencia Travel?

I have worked at Valencia Travel since April 27th, 2022 (5 months)


What do you love about working in the Travel industry?

They made dreams come true for people from different locations, cultures, interests, and passions. See their happy faces when visiting each of the places that were once only a dream.



What is your favorite place to visit in Peru?

Arequipa and Colca Canyon.


Where would you like to travel, given the opportunity?

I have always wanted to travel to Jerusalem. 




What is your favorite Peruvian Dish / Drink?

The best craft beers (after Germany) are from Peru! And the Ceviche from the coast of Peru has no comparison!!!


What is your most memorable moment working for Valencia Travel?

There were several, and they were each of the moments that we left our desks, and as a team, we went out to explore the magical places of Peru, such as hiking the Ausangate Trek and The Inca Trail.



Where do you see yourself in one year?

In Jerusalem. 


What is the best travel tip you can give to visitors to Peru?

When boarding the plane to this magical land called Peru, forget everything back home. Remember that life is beautiful, and the best memories are created when traveling!